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Turkey presses on with indigenous anti-ship missile development

26th August 2020 - 12:06 GMT | by Cem Devrim Yaylalı in Istanbul


The latest test firing for Atmaca long-range anti-ship missile was conducted last month at the Sinop range on the Black Sea coast. Shephard understands that the missile flew its full range of 220km.

This is the latest milestone in a long-running programme that began in 2009, with a contract from the government for Roketsan to oversee R&D, supported by defence electronics company Aselsan (tasked with the development of the RF seeker head and guidance section). 

Atmaca was first test-fired in 2016 at Sinop and twice more in 2019. On 3 November that year, the Ada-class corvette TCG Kınalıada performed a

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Cem Devrim Yaylalı


Cem Devrim Yaylalı

Cem Devrim Yaylalı was born in Paris and raised in Istanbul, where he currently lives. …

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