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Iran’s new warship dismissed as ‘vanity project’

20th November 2020 - 14:20 GMT | by Richard Thomas in London

Country trumpets arrival of new 'aircraft carrier' but analysis indicates that purported capabilities might not be all that are claimed.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGC(N)) announced a new addition to its fleet on 19 November with the unveiling of a large, multirole surface combatant, with claims from state media outlet IRNA that it can host fighters, helicopters, fast boats and ASuW/AAW missile systems. 

Officially named Shahid Rudaki, the vessel, dubbed an ‘ocean-going, aircraft carrier warship’ by state media, is 150m in length and 22m at the beam. Released images indicate the Shahid Rudaki could have been derived from a Handysize-type merchant vessel.

The foredeck appears to have four two-cell launch canisters installed, possibly for Noor anti-ship missiles,

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Richard Thomas


Richard Thomas

Richard Thomas is the Senior Editor, Naval at Shephard Media. Richard joined the company in …

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