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FREMM-derived design wins out in USN FFG(X) programme

1st May 2020 - 18:00 GMT | by Richard Thomas in London


The decision by the USN on 30 April to award the contract for the build up to ten of the future FFG(X) guided missile frigates to Fincantieri Marinette Marine draws a line under one of the most hotly contested naval programmes in recent years.

Announcing the contract for the detail design and construction to deliver the first batch of the USN’s next-generation small surface combatant, the programme will consist of one base ship and nine options. The US DoD detailed the initial award at over $795 million, which will rise to over $5.57 billion with all options and programme support. 

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Richard Thomas


Richard Thomas

Richard Thomas is the Senior Editor, Naval at Shephard Media. Richard joined the company in …

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