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Atmaca advances with latest test firing

16th February 2021 - 09:00 GMT | by Cem Devrim Yaylalı in Istanbul

​A live Atmaca warhead has destroyed a target for the first time.

A significant milestone has been passed in the most recent test-firing of the Atmaca long-range anti-ship missile.

The Ada-class corvette TCG Kınalıada fired two of the indigenously developed missiles on 3-4 February 2021. 

The first was a telemetry test but the second firing was particularly notable as the missile was armed with a live warhead for the first time. 

A video shared by the Turkish defence procurement agency Presidency of Defense Industries (Savunma Sanayi Başkanlığı – SSB) showed the Atmaca missile successfully targeting and destroying a barge carrying containers.

The latest event was conducted (like previous test firings) offshore from

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Cem Devrim Yaylalı


Cem Devrim Yaylalı

Cem Devrim Yaylalı was born in Paris and raised in Istanbul, where he currently lives. …

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