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Poland commissions RBS15 Mk3 missiles

21st January 2015 - 13:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team


The Polish Navy and Saab have successfully conducted a commissioning and sea acceptance test of RBS15 Mk3 missiles onboard Orkan-class fast attack craft, the company announced on 20 January.

The tests were part of Saab’s 2006 contract with Poland for the delivery of RBS15 Mk3 missiles, and their installation on the Orkan-class ships.

The tests validated all the ship’s interfaces with the necessary power, combat management and navigation systems. Testing included a simulated missile firing exercise and concluded with sea trials when the ship carried its full complement of eight missiles. The customer has now demonstrated its ability to equip and operate these vessels with their maximum missile load.

Stefan Öberg, head of business unit Missile Systems, Saab said: ‘With the RBS15 Mk3, Poland now has an anti-ship missile that can defeat targets at a range of more than 200km, in all weather conditions.’

The two remaining Orkan class ships: Piorun and Grom, are scheduled to undergo similar systems tests later in 2015.

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