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Patriot missile integration into Mk41 VLS boosts Aegis air defence capabilities

16th January 2023 - 10:00 GMT | by Harry Lye in London


A PAC-3 MSE Missile is fired during a MEADS test. (Photo: US Army)

Lockheed Martin has showcased integration of the Patriot PAC-3 MSE missile into the Mk41 VLS, giving it naval capabilities.

At the Surface Navy Association’s National Symposium, Lockheed Martin (LM) showcased the integration of the PAC-3 MSE Patriot missile into its naval Mk41 vertical launching system (VLS).

The company is investing in integrating Patriot to develop a ‘robust’ integrated air and missile defence (IAMD) capability into the Aegis Weapon System.

A spokesperson for the company told Shephard: ‘The PAC-3 family of missiles are combat-proven hit-to-kill interceptors that defend against incoming threats and deliver exponentially more kinetic energy on the target than can be achieved with blast fragmentation mechanisms.’

Asked what adjustments need to be made to the missile

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Harry Lye


Harry Lye

Harry Lye was Senior Naval Reporter at Shephard Media.

Harry joined the company in 2021, …

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