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LDP, training teams required for EU mission

28th July 2016 - 16:40 GMT | by Richard Thomas in London


The EU Naval Force to the Mediterranean (EUNAVFORMED) could require additional warships and training teams to fulfil new tasks identified by the mission following the renewal of its mandate in June last year.

Launched in 2015, the mandate has been extended until 27 July 2017. 

In doing so the Council of the European Union added two supporting task: training of the Libyan coast guard and navy and the contribution towards the implementation of the UN arms embargo in the high seas off the coast of Libya.

Speaking to Shephard, RAdm Gilles Humeau, deputy operation commander EUNAVFORMED, said that ‘given the

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Richard Thomas


Richard Thomas

Richard Thomas is the Senior Editor, Naval at Shephard Media. Richard joined the company in …

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