Indian Navy to receive ASWSWCs
The Indian Ministry of Defence has awarded $901.5 million contract to Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers to build eight Anti-Submarine Warfare Shallow Water Craft (ASWSWC) vessels for the Indian Navy.
The vessels will be equipped with advanced integrated platform management systems including propulsion, auxiliary, power generation, distribution and damage control machinery.
The ASWSWC will be designed for a deep displacement of 750t and will have a speed of 25kt. They will be capable of full-scale sub surface surveillance of coastal waters and coordinated ASW operations with aircraft. The vessels will also be able to interdict/destroy sub surface targets in coastal waters, support day and night SAR operations in coastal areas, act against intruding aircraft and lay mines in the sea bed.
The first ASWSWC will be delivered within 42 months, followed by two vessels per year. The performance period for the project is seven years.
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