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Indian Navy purchases anti-submarine sonobuoys to counter Chinese incursions

5th September 2024 - 14:35 GMT | by Neelam Mathews


The sonobuoys will be launched from India’s fleet of MH-60R helicopters. (Photo: MoD India)

The US approved the deal despite supply chain delays to other equipment ordered by India.

The Indian Navy has procured approximately 500 anti-submarine warfare sonobuoys valued at US$52.8 million for launch from 24 Sikorsky MH-60R helicopters, of which six aircraft have so far been delivered.

The move has reflected Indian concerns over China’s intensifying naval capabilities and sustained incursions of its submarines in the Indian Ocean.

US secretary of state Antony Blinken approved the potential Foreign Military Sale to the Government of India during a visit by the Indian defence minister Rajnath Singh to Washington DC last month.

A statement from the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) said: “The principal contractor(s) will be Sparton

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Neelam Mathews


Neelam Mathews

Neelam Mathews was born in India and completed her education in London.

She has written for …

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