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IAI introduces business-jet based MPA

10th February 2015 - 11:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) introduced its ELI-3360 Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) based on a Bombardier Global 5000 business-jet platform, the company announced on 9 February.

The new-generation MPA has been designed by IAI's ELTA Group and provides armament, reconnaissance and surveillance systems on a business-jet. It features the ELTA ELM-2022 advanced maritime patrol radar, the ELL-8385 ESM/ELINT system and an electro-optical sensor.

The ELI-3360 also has a comprehensive communications suite with data-links, broadband SATCOM, radios and an advanced EW and self-protection suite. It is part of the IAI special mission aircraft series of business-jets.

The aircraft has an integrated multi-mission command and control suite that includes multi-purpose operator workstations and a weapon and stores management system. It has under-wing weapons that can include anti-ship missiles and torpedoes and dispensable search and rescue stores.

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