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Greece strengthens French connection through frigate deal

28th September 2021 - 12:17 GMT | by Harry Lye in London


Rendering of a Greek FDI frigate. (Photo: Naval Group)

Under the deal, Greece is expected to receive three ships by 2026.

Greece has signed an agreement with France for three Naval Group Frégates de Defense et d'Intervention (FDI) vessels and a potential fourth frigate.

The deal, part of a broader 'strategic partnership', seemingly ends an international competition to fill the Hellenic Navy's frigate requirement that saw bids from Italy (Fincantieri), the Netherlands (Damen), the UK (Babcock) and the US (Lockheed Martin).

Under the €3 billion ($3.51 billion) deal, the three Greek FDI frigates will be built by Naval Group at its Lorient shipyard in France.

On 28 September, Greek Defence Minister Nikólaos Panayotópoulos, Naval

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Harry Lye


Harry Lye

Harry Lye was Senior Naval Reporter at Shephard Media.

Harry joined the company in 2021, …

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