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France stays sanguine on Greek frigate prospects despite stiff competition

21st June 2021 - 12:00 GMT | by Jean-Marc Tanguy in Paris


Naval Group is bullish about the chances of its FDI design being selected by the Greek MoD for the Hellenic Navy. (Photo: Naval Group)

​Naval Group spearheads French industry efforts to meet Greek future frigate requirements, as the decision day looms.

Greece is set in Q3 or Q4 this year to choose a foreign shipbuilder to work with its domestic shipbuilding industry on a complex programme to provide new frigates for the Hellenic Navy.

Contenders include Babcock of the UK (offering the Arrowhead 140 design), Dutch shipyard Damen (Sigma 115115HN), Italy-based Fincantieri (Bergamini-class FREMM multi-mission frigate), Lockheed Martin of the US (Multi-Mission Surface Combatant, derived from the Littoral Combat Ship), French shipbuilder Naval Group (Frégate de Défense et d'Intervention — FDI)  and Germany-based TKMS (with the MEKO A-200NG/A-300).

Given the close defence

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Jean-Marc Tanguy


Jean-Marc Tanguy

Jean-Marc Tanguy started its career in journalism on 1991 and focussed quickly on defence matters …

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