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First F125 frigate commissioned

19th June 2019 - 15:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team


The first F125 Baden-Württemberg frigate built by ARGE F125 and Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems was commissioned for the German Navy on 17 June.

The newly designed class F125 ships have highly complex systems and approximately 28,000 sensors. With a very high degree of automation and the ability to remain in their operational area for up to two years, it has been possible to halve the crew size in comparison to previous German frigate classes.

The vessels are designed to carry out maritime defence operations, as well as conflict prevention, crisis management and intervention, and stabilisation operations. They can defend against offshore and onshore attacks, and are equipped with anti-aircraft systems and helicopters specially equipped for submarine hunting.

The second class F125 ship, the Nordrhein-Westfalen will also be handed over the to navy this year. The third and fourth ships will follow over the coming two years.

The ARGE F125 consortium comprises Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems as the lead company and Fr Lürssen Werft in Bremen. The pre-fitted bow sections are being manufactured at the shipyards of the Lürssen Group in Bremen and Wolgast. Construction of the stern sections, the joining of the two sections and further fitting out was being carried out at Blohm+Voss Shipyards in Hamburg under the leadership of Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems.

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