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Nuclear submarine programme takes step forward with hull unit move

15th December 2022 - 13:00 GMT | by Shephard News Team in London


The first Dreadnought pressure hull unit in transit. (Photo: BAE Systems)

The Dreadnought-class SSBNs will be the largest submarines ever built for the Royal Navy. Each boat will be capable of housing eight to 12 Trident II D5 missiles.

The first pressure hull unit for the first Dreadnought-class SSBN has been transported to Devonshire Dock Hall in Barrow, northern England, for outfitting.

The transportation of the hull unit marks a significant step in the programme that will see four nuclear submarines produced for the UK RN.

The unit was moved on 30 November.

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While wrapped in black sheeting, an image released by the submarine's builder BAE Systems illustrates the scale of the future submarine.

The programme is on track for the first of class, HMS Dreadnought, to enter into service in the early 2030s.

The whole-life cost of the new submarines will be around £31 billion across the four vessels' 35-year service life.

Each boat will displace 17,200t and measure 153.6m in length.

Dreadnought Class (Successor Programme) (1-4) [UK]

Dreadnought Class

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