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DIMDEX: Raytheon offers up ‘counter-swarm’ solution

26th March 2014 - 15:24 GMT | by Andrew White in Doha


The most prolific threat currently facing Middle Eastern navies is swarming fast attack craft, according to Raytheon, which has developed a new missile system to counter the threat.

Speaking to Shephard at DIMDEX on 26 March, Spike Valentino, Raytheon’s Middle East business development director, said: ‘Most navies in the region are modernising in one way or another and counter-swarm is one of the biggest challenges.’

However, Valentino said countering such a threat would require not only vessels but airborne and ground-based platforms or a combination of them all.

Raytheon is also promoting various weapon systems in the region in order

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Andrew White


Andrew White

Andrew is a former editor of Digital Battlespace and Unmanned Vehicles magazines. Andrew joined Shephard …

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