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Costs creeping up for future Canadian frigate

9th March 2018 - 14:10 GMT | by Ian Keddie in Ottawa


The Canadian programme to select a future warship will require an additional CA$54.4 million ($42 million) as part of the process of evaluating the various bids currently on offer in the competition. 

Local press reported that the Department for National Defence (DND) would require the extra funds to sustain the ongoing administration relating to the assessment of bids for the Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC) programme.

Speaking to Shephard, the DND confirmed the additional funding was being accessed by the CSC Project Management Office (PMO).

‘These funds will permit the project to maintain the PMO (primarily staff and contracted support

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Ian Keddie


Ian Keddie

Ian Keddie is a Shephard correspondent based in Toronto, Canada.

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