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Babcock signs four-year deal to support NAM Atlântico

13th April 2022 - 10:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team in London


NAM Atlântico departs Devonport in 2018. (Photo: Babcock)

Brazil purchased the former HMS Ocean in February 2018 and later commissioned the ship as Atlântico in June 2018.

Babcock has inked a four-year contract to provide through-life support for the Brazilian Navy’s flagship NAM Atlântico, which formerly served in the UK RN as HMS Ocean.

Under the support package, Babcock will provide maintenance planning and delivery, technical advice, and knowledge transfer.

The company said it would also assist the Brazilian Navy in developing a spares management system for Atlântico, installing upgrades, and delivering technical training packages to ship and shore personnel.

A team from Babcock will be embedded in the Brazilian Navy’s main maintenance centre and naval base at the Arsenal de Marinha do Rio de Janeiro.

A UK-based team will also support the work.

Support work is already underway with the establishment of the in-country team, and the first maintenance period under the agreement is scheduled to begin in April 2022.

PHM Atlantico

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