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Admiral Franchetti acknowledges importance of XLUUVs on Orca visit

9th December 2024 - 16:21 GMT | by Tony Fyler


Admiral Franchetti envisioned the future role of XLUUVs like the Orca. (Photo: US Navy)

The US chief of naval operations made the comments on a visit to Boeing’s Orca XLUUV.

US Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Lisa Franchetti took the opportunity of a tour of Boeing’s manufacturing facility in Long Beach, California, to underline the important role that is envisioned for extra large uncrewed undersea vehicles (XLUUVs) in the future of naval warfare.

In particular, she examined Boeing’s entrant into the market, the Orca, and spoke to sailors assigned to Unmanned Undersea Vehicles Squadron (UUVRON) 3 about the benefits of having robotic multi-mission submersibles in the fleet.

The US Navy (USN) is developing – and acquiring – a range of XLUUV platforms by way of expanding its hybrid fleet.

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Tony Fyler


Tony Fyler

Tony Fyler is the Naval Reporter at Shephard

He has experience in business and …

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