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AAD 2018: Twiga’s sight set across the water

19th September 2018 - 10:27 GMT | by Helen Haxell in Tshwane


South African company Twiga Services is looking to expand its 850 Military Patrol Boat’s (850 MPB) utilisation into South American waters, building on its operational foundations in Uganda and the wider region.

Speaking to Shephard at AAD 2018 in Tshwane, Karl van der Berg, junior project engineer at Twiga, explained that the Ugandan military already had four platforms in operation. Separate demonstrations had also taken place in South Africa, Botswana and Namibia in recent months. 

‘We are currently marketing the vehicle in South America in countries like Brazil and Peru. Our CEO has a lot of military experience,’ van der

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Helen Haxell


Helen Haxell

Helen Haxell was Air Editor at Shephard Media, having joined in February 2016 as Editor …

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