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Zemledelie inches towards service

27th October 2021 - 17:00 GMT | by Alex Orlov in Riga


The Zemledelie minelaying MLRS in action during a recent exercise in Russia. (Photo: Russian MoD)

Is a remote minelayer vehicle — in development since 2013 — finally about to enter serial production for the Russian Ground Forces?

Defence conglomerate Rostec has claimed that the Zemledelie ISDM remote minelayer system proved itself in recent exercises with the Russian Ground Forces and the first batch of truck-mounted MLRS units has already been handed over.

However, it has been slow going for a programme that began in December 2013 with a development contract between the Russian MoD and Rostec subsidiary NPO Splav.

Almost seven years elapsed before Zemledelie made its first public appearance in June 2020 during rehearsals for the Victory Day parade.

Igor Nasenkov, CEO of Tehnodinamika (another Rostec subsidiary involved in the design of Zemledelie) expects the project to

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Alex Orlov


Alex Orlov

Alex Orlov is a freelance journalist based in Helsinki.

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