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Vietnam reveals indigenous truck-mounted howitzer

9th November 2021 - 01:11 GMT | by Gordon Arthur in Christchurch


The PTH-130 - K255B combines a Russian-manufactured 6x6 truck fitted with a 130mm howitzer. (QPVN)

Wherever possible, Vietnam attempts to produce equipment domestically. This often involves repurposing existing equipment, as is the case with its new truck-mounted howitzer.

Vietnam has developed an indigenous truck-mounted SPH, with the 6x6 vehicle appearing in a brief video news article on the country’s military-sponsored QPVN channel.

Designated the PTH-130 - K255B, this weapon system combines a Russian-manufactured KrAZ-255B truck fitted with a Soviet-era M1954 130mm howitzer. The country’s Military Technical Institute created it.

The Vietnam People’s Army (VPA) will field the artillery system. Interestingly, it resembles the Cuban Jupiter V SPH, and it is suspected that Cuba and Vietnam cooperated on this programme.

The 130mm howitzer is based on the old Soviet M-46 gun, of which the VPA has perhaps more than 500 in

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Gordon Arthur


Gordon Arthur

Gordon Arthur was the Asia Pacific editor for Shephard Media. Born in Scotland and educated …

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