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USMC G/ATOR system completes developmental testing

8th August 2017 - 15:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team


The US Marine Corps' (USMC's) Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar (G/ATOR) Block 1 completed live developmental testing at Wallops Island in June, Naval Sea Systems Command announced on 3 August.

The lightweight, mobile and rapidly deployable G/ATOR AN/TPS-80 underwent three months of evaluation to ensure it met the G/ATOR Block 1 (GB1) capability requirements, including the ability to detect UAS, cruise missiles and air breathing targets over short- and medium-ranges.

The system will complement the AN/TPS-59(V) 3 long range radar, providing commanders with the ability to increase coverage of the assigned air defence sectors that adjoin maritime air defence and contiguous surveillance areas, and reduce vulnerability gaps in the landward sector for naval forces operating in littoral regions.

The testing of G/ATOR GB1 at Wallops Island focused on radar performance and combat identification. Live and simulated flights were conducted and interoperability with the composite tracking network and cooperative engagement capability systems in an operationally realistic littoral environment were tested.

Follow-on testing is expected to take place in late 2018 at USMC Air Stations Cherry Point and Yuma.


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