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US JLTV slips a bit

5th April 2016 - 14:55 GMT | by Scott Gourley in Huntsville


There is likely to be a small delay in the US Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) programme as a result of the industrial protest last year.

A protest filed by losing bidder, Lockheed Martin, meant that chosen contractor Oshkosh Defense could not proceed with the programme, but there is now a slippage in the schedule that is longer than the duration of the protest.

Speaking at AUSA Global, Scott Davis, US Army Program Executive Officer for Combat Support and Combat Service Support (PEO CS/CSS) said they ‘were encumbered by first a GAO protest that lasted 98 days followed

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Scott Gourley


Scott Gourley

Scott Gourley is a US-based writer on defence and security issues. A former US Army …

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