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US Army tests Spider 1A (video)

13th May 2016 - 15:42 GMT | by Scott Gourley


One aspect of the US Army’s ongoing Network Integration Evaluation (NIE) 16.2 involves limited user testing (LUT) for the Spider M7E1 Network Command Munition Increment 1A.

‘We’re going away from land mines based on the national landmine policy,’ explained Lt Col O’Neal Williams, US Army product manager for the Gator Landmine Replacement. ‘No longer do we have anti-personnel mines that can be victim-activated. A person in the loop has to actually press the button to detonate it.’

In order to have positive identification of hostile incursion, the system uses a combination of observation posts and listening posts to monitor the

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Scott Gourley


Scott Gourley

Scott Gourley is a US-based writer on defence and security issues. A former US Army …

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