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Defence spending insights: Denmark set to order more CV9035 IFVs

11th September 2024 - 15:35 GMT | by Christopher F Foss


Danish Army CV9035DK deployed to Afghanistan complete with bar/slat armour for increased survivability and electronic devices to counter improvised explosive devices. The commanders roof hatch is in raised position. (Photo: BAE Systems Hägglunds)

The vehicles, which will form part of a new Heavy Brigade, could see BAE Systems Hägglunds covering the supply of 115 new CV9035 MkIIIC IFVs.

BAE Systems Hägglunds of Sweden expects to be awarded a contract by the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO) covering the supply of 115 new CV9035 MkIIIC Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFV) for the Danish Army later this year.

The vehicles will form a key part of a new Heavy Brigade which will include 44 Leopard 2 Main Battle Tanks (MBT) which have now been upgraded to the Leopard 2A7 build standard following final deliveries late in 2023.

The total value of the contract, which remains subject to detailed negotiations, will be around DKK10 billion (US$1.5 billion) with deliveries to

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Christopher F Foss


Christopher F Foss

Christopher F Foss is an internationally recognised authority on armoured fighting vehicles, artillery and other weapon systems, …

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