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Ukraine’s tank revival

19th December 2016 - 13:43 GMT | by Alexander Mladenov, Krassimir Grozev in Sofia


Ukraine’s tank industry reports a significant growth in business in 2016 based on work in both the domestic and export markets.

This includes upgrade work carried out on T-84 MBTs for the Ukrainian Army and the continued export deliveries of newly-built Oplot tanks for the Thai military. 

In late November, the Kharkiv-based Malyshev Factory reported completion of the hand-over of a batch of six upgraded and refurbished T-84s. Manufactured in 2000, these new-generation tanks were handed over to the Ukrainian Army in 2001 but not after long were withdrawn from service and put in a long-term storage. 

The upgrade

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Alexander Mladenov


Alexander Mladenov

Alexander Mladenov is a Shephard correspondent based in Sofia, Bulgaria.

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Krassimir Grozev


Krassimir Grozev

Krassimir is a journalist based in Sofia, Bulgaria

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