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UK deploys Swedish Archer artillery ahead of future RCH-155 upgrade

24th September 2024 - 12:18 GMT | by Christopher F Foss in UTAC Millbrook, UK


Royal Artillery BAE Systems Bofors Archer 155mm/52 cal self-propelled artillery system will provide a limited interim indirect fire capability until the German RCH-155 system is deployed later this decade. This has been fitted with a Kongsberg RWS but not with a 12.7mm machine gun. (Photo: Christopher F. Foss)

Archer systems fitted with a Kongsberg remote weapon station and armed with a 12.7mm machine gun will be deployed by 14 Regiment, Royal Artillery.

The Royal Artillery (RA) had taken delivery of 14 BAE Systems Bofors Archer 155mm/52 cal self-propelled (SP) artillery systems, support vehicles and some 155mm ammunition under a government-to-government deal between Sweden and the UK.

These Archers will be deployed by 14 Regiment RA, based at the Royal School of Artillery, Larkhill, Wiltshire, but will only be sufficient to form two batteries each of six Archers plus two for training and reserve.

The Archers have been fitted with a Kongsberg remote weapon station (RWS) armed with a stabilised 12.7mm machine gun (MG). They will provide an interim capability until the

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Christopher F Foss


Christopher F Foss

Christopher F Foss is an internationally recognised authority on armoured fighting vehicles, artillery and other weapon systems, …

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