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Sweden joins Common Armoured Vehicle System programme

14th April 2022 - 13:30 GMT | by Sam Cranny-Evans in London


Sweden has formally joined the CAVS programme as the fourth nation to jointly develop the protected 6x6. (Photo: Patria)

The CAVS programme includes significant levels of vehicle protection but the question remains of how to protect troops from modern anti-armour weapons remains.

Sweden has become the latest country to formally join the Common Armoured Vehicle System (CAVS) programme, joining Finland, Latvia, and Estonia in developing an armoured off-road vehicle based on the Patria 6x6, the Swedish Armed Forces Materiel Administration (FMV) announced on 29 March.

The four nations are working jointly to develop the vehicle to reduce costs and with shared goals, including ease of maintenance, robustness and technical interoperability.

Once development is complete, each nation will place individual orders for variants according to its needs.

Patria is the industrial lead on the project and was contracted in February 2022

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Sam Cranny-Evans


Sam Cranny-Evans

Sam is a freelance defence analyst and consultant, as well as a RUSI Associate Fellow. …

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