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Soviet-era BMP-1 upgrade revealed

6th June 2018 - 09:44 GMT | by Alexander Mladenov, Krassimir Grozev in Sofia


A prototype of the upgraded Soviet-era BMP-1 IFV was displayed in public for the first time at HEMUS 2018 defence exhibition in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Promoted under the new designation BMP-2+, it has been designed as an affordable BMP-1 upgrade boasting overall combat capabilities comparable to that of the original BMP-2. The BMP-2+ prototype is said to have undergone testing in Bulgaria last year.

The BMP-2+ has been created under a cooperation between prime contractor Metalika-AB, a privately-owned Bulgarian defence trade company, and the Bulgarian state-owned TEREM-Ivaylo maintenance, repair and overhaul facility based in Veliko Tarnovo.

The main upgrade component

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Alexander Mladenov


Alexander Mladenov

Alexander Mladenov is a Shephard correspondent based in Sofia, Bulgaria.

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Krassimir Grozev


Krassimir Grozev

Krassimir is a journalist based in Sofia, Bulgaria

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