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South Korean MBT enters the picture for Wilk

11th September 2020 - 11:45 GMT | by Michal Jarocki in Warsaw


Hyundai Rotem is proposing a modified MBT to meet the Wilk future tank procurement requirement in Poland.

The South Korean manufacturer showcased a model of a polonised K2PL variant of its K2 Black Panther MBT on 8-10 September during the MSPO exhibition in Kielce.

According to Hyundai Rotem, the modified MBT could feature multiple enhancements in comparison to the original K2, so that the tank meets the requirements of the Polish MoD.

These changes would include additional armour plates in the front and on the sides, as well as slat armour at the rear of the vehicle, to improve

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Michal Jarocki


Michal Jarocki

Michal Jarocki is a Shephard correspondent based in Warsaw, Poland. He is reporting on military …

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