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SOFEX 2018: Pakistan pushes products in the Middle East

9th May 2018 - 13:17 GMT | by Beth Maundrill in Amman


The Defence Export Promotion Organisation (DEPO) of Pakistan is attempting to make inroads to the export market with the first appearance of a Pakistan pavilion at SOFEX.

The pavilion boasts a display of various weapon systems, unmanned aircraft and armoured vehicles from state-owned companies.

Speaking to Shephard, Umar Farooq Chohan, deputy director at DEPO, said: ‘This is the first time that Pakistan has established a pavilion…it reflects our relationship with Jordan and other countries in the Middle East.

‘We want to promote and facilitate our defence industry so it can do business in other defence markets,’ he added.

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Beth Maundrill


Beth Maundrill

Beth is Deputy Editor - Land at Shephard Media, managing coverage across all formats of …

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