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Slovak vehicle procurement faces a blurry future

27th June 2020 - 13:00 GMT | by Michal Jarocki in Warsaw


The new leadership in the Slovak MoD faces a series of hard decisions over many procurement programmes that are expected to change the posture of country’s land forces.

At the same time, the army desperately awaits new armoured, all-terrain tactical vehicles in the 4x4 and 8x8 configuration.

In late May the government of Slovakia, which had been sworn in just three months earlier, announced its intention to cancel a tender for procurement of 424 armoured, all-terrain tactical vehicles in the 4x4 configuration.

The project included an option for 20 vehicles for the Ministry of Interior, and its appropriated budget was

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Michal Jarocki


Michal Jarocki

Michal Jarocki is a Shephard correspondent based in Warsaw, Poland. He is reporting on military …

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