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Singapore Army to fully induct Colt IAR 6940 by end-July

18th July 2024 - 15:38 GMT | by Chen Chuanren in Singapore


Two IAR 6940E-SGs with standard 30- (back) and 60-round magazines (front). (Photo: Chen Chuanren)

The Singapore Army will upgrade to the Colt Infantry Automatic Rifle (IAR) 6940E-SG to improve urban warfare effectiveness, with features including a Picatinny Rail for modular accessories and advanced night-fighting capabilities.

The Singapore Army will fully equip its active and combat support units with the Colt Infantry Automatic Rifle (IAR) 6940E-SG by end-July 2024, replacing the venerable Ultimax 100 section automatic weapon that has been in service since 1982.

Lt. Col. Chan Wen Kai, head of plans for HQ Singapore 9th Division/Infantry, said the Singapore Army observed the increased prevalence in urban warfare and the need to minimise collateral damage, and therefore set out a campaign in 2021 to replace the Ultimax 100 to allow soldiers to operate in more complex environments.

Elizabeth Tan, programme manager at the Defence Science and

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Chen Chuanren


Chen Chuanren

Chen Chuanren is Shephard’s Singapore correspondent, covering primarily land and sea systems. He served in …

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