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Second test firing of US Multi-Mission Launcher complete

30th March 2015 - 12:00 GMT | by Shephard News Team


The US Army successfully completed the second test firing of the Multi-Mission Launcher (MML) using a Launch Demonstration Unit, as announced on 23 March.

Three missiles were launched from the demonstration unit, including an Air Intercept Missile 9-X that intercepted an unmanned aerial vehicle after launch. A Low Cost Active Seeker and a Mini Hit-to-Kill interceptor were also successfully launched and flew ballistic trajectories.

The test verified the tube integrity and missile stack integration of the MML. The army's Indirect Fire Protection Capability Increment 2-Intercept (IFPC Inc 2-I) programme remains on schedule to conduct an engineering demonstration in March 2016.

The Aviation and Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center (AMRDEC) is designing and producing two launcher prototypes for integration into the IFPC Inc 2-I system during the technology maturation and risk reduction phase of development.

The MML is a next-generation air defence launcher built on open-system architecture. It has the capacity to launch various interceptors against unmanned and cruise missile threats. The army plans to field this launcher in 2019.

James Lackey, director, AMRDEC, said: 'This, yet again, demonstrates a positive step forward for the MML.

'MML will be critical in providing expanded ground troop area protection capabilities by enabling kinetic kill lethality effects against a variety of advanced, airborne incoming threats.'

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