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Saab receives new MAPAM orders

14th January 2013 - 14:01 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Saab Saab Bofors Dynamics Switzerland has announced that it has received two new contracts for its Mortar Anti Personnel Anti Material (MAPAM) system in new developed configurations and calibres. The order, which was signed in 2012, covers initial deliveries, and has a total value of MSEK 11.2.

The order covers the production and delivery of MAPAM 60mm extended range (ER) with proximity fuze and MAPAM 81mm standard configuration. The customer will not be named.

According to Saab, MAPAM offers close combat deployment capabilities with ‘outstanding lethality in controlled area’, providing decisive advantage in combat to soldiers while also decreasing inadvertent damage and protecting own troops.

Kai Schlegel, area sales manager and product manager for MAPAM, Saab, said: ‘This is a big milestone for MAPAM due to the fact that both types of MAPAM are completely new on the market. Within the past only standard 60mm has been available. Now that SBDS has not only a new product with the 81mm but is also able to provide different configurations e.g. extended range, for both calibers, a new market has been opened.’

Deliveries are scheduled to take place during 2013.

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