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MSPO 2018: Rosomak rolls out new variant

4th September 2018 - 14:54 GMT | by Beth Maundrill in Kielce


Rosomak is ready to supply its latest 8x8 variant, the Command Post Vehicle (CPV), to the Polish Armed Forces following an agreement signed in March 2018.

The company showcased the Rosomak CPV to the public for the first time at MSPO 2018. Under the 9 March agreement seven vehicles will be supplied to the Polish land forces.

Speaking to Shephard Bartlomiej Smoczynsk, CEO at Rosomak, said that all seven vehicles would be ready ‘soon’; however, he could not specify a date. He also noted that there are rumours that the Polish MoD is interested in acquiring more and he is

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Beth Maundrill


Beth Maundrill

Beth is Deputy Editor - Land at Shephard Media, managing coverage across all formats of …

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