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Stalled OMFV programme resumes forward movement

27th July 2020 - 09:42 GMT | by Flavia Camargos Pereira in London


The US Army has released a draft RfP under the Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle (OMFV) programme, in its fourth attempt to move ahead with plans to replace the Bradley IFV.

In the latest effort, information gained from industry feedback will be used to shape a final RfP and competitive tender, which is planned to result in the award of up to five contracts during Q3 FY2021.

The OMFV will be equipped with advanced sensors, providing lethality, protection and integrated mission command, according to the draft RfP. 

However, some analysts and observers doubt that the OMFV is the right platform

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Flavia Camargos Pereira


Flavia Camargos Pereira

Flavia Camargos Pereira is a North America editor at Shephard Media. She joined the company …

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