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High-tech suite offers glimpse of networked future for Israeli combat vehicles

9th November 2020 - 12:30 GMT | by Arie Egozi in Tel Aviv

Will the appeal of technology to enable swarm operations of tanks and APCs overcome concerns over human factors?

Efforts are under way in Israel to develop a way of networking armoured vehicles more effectively on the battlefield, in order for crewed platforms to operate alongside unmanned land systems.

However, scepticism remains about the effectiveness and security of this concept.

Rafael has developed an ‘all-in-one’ combat suite of AI and other undisclosed technologies to automate and network MBTs and APCs, in effect meshing them together into swarms to perform complicated combat missions with minimal human oversight.

The all-in-one package includes the Samson RWS, the Trophy active protection system, the Spike ATGM and the Firefly small loitering munition system. The

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Arie Egozi


Arie Egozi

Born in Israel, Arie Egozi served in the IDF and holds a political science and …

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