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Netherlands revises Boxer vehicle contract

1st June 2016 - 15:03 GMT | by Shephard News Team


OCCAR and original equipment manufacturer ARTEC have signed a contract for a new Boxer armoured fighting vehicle mix for the Netherlands at the OCCAR-EA headquarters in Bonn in late May.

The contract modification calls for 92 Engineer vehicles, marking an increase of 36 units from the previous contract. The number of Command Post and Cargo vehicles have also been revised to 36 and 12 vehicles, marking a reduction of 24 and 15 vehicles, respectively.

The new Boxer vehicle mix was readied in 2016 in close cooperation between ARTEC, the Netherlands Official Services and OCCAR-EA the statement said. With the contract modification, the final Boxer for the Netherlands is scheduled to be delivered in February 2018.

The Boxer contract was modified after the Netherlands found that the operational concept had changed over the last few years. As a result of this shift, the contracted number of Boxer vehicle variants no longer reflected its actual needs. The country needed more Engineer variants than Command Post or Cargo variants.


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