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MCL, IAI team awarded UK MoD remote patrol vehicle contract

27th August 2021 - 17:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team in London


The contract will see MCL become a major contractor to the UK MoD RPV Framework Group. (Photo: MCL.)

The contract is part of the second spiral of the UK MoD’s Remote Patrol Vehicle (RPV) experimentation programme.

The MoD has awarded a partnership of Marlborough Communications Limited (MCL) and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) a contract to deliver four RPVs.

The new contract will support further experimentation and capability development for land operations.

MCL managing director Shane Knight said: ‘Securing the Spiral 2 contract has been a collaborative team effort, and the first step toward exploring new opportunities within the UK.’

The aim of Spiral 2 is to deliver RPVs capable of supporting personnel and limiting their direct exposure to threats.

The RPVs, designed and built by IAI’s ELTA subsidiary, are billed as ‘robust, versatile multi-purpose/multi-mission platforms’ capable of supporting ground personnel and strengthening force protection on the battlefield.

IAI Land Systems Division vice president and general manager Zvi Yarom said: ‘We offer combat-proven, end-to-end solutions and cutting-edge sensors to be used by the soldier, or combat platforms available to fighting forces.

‘We are confident that the fruitful collaboration with MCL will provide the UK MoD with innovative technologies and capabilities.’

Previously MCL was awarded a contract to supply four mission adaptable UGVs to Spiral 1 of the RPV experimentation programme. 

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