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Long-range strike: US announces European hypersonic missile deployment

8th August 2024 - 16:50 GMT | by Sam Cranny-Evans in London


The LRHW deployed to Exercise Resolute Hunter in 2024 during which it was assigned to Bravo Battery, 5th Battalion, 3rd Field Artillery (Long Range Fires Battalion), 1st Multi-Domain Task Force. (Photo: US Army)

The US plans to deploy a suite of long-range precision strike missiles, including developmental hypersonics, to counter the advanced precision strike systems of Russia and China. It will form part of the US Army’s Multi Domain Task Force (MDTF) to enhance European long-range fires capabilities and include SM-6 air defence, Tomahawk cruise missiles and HIMARS batteries.

The US has announced its intention to begin deploying a suite of long-range precision strike missiles including developmental hypersonics to Germany from 2026 in a bid to increase the long-range fires capabilities of European powers, according to a joint statement released in July by the White House.

The US Army’s MDTF in Germany will host the capabilities that will include SM-6 air defence and Tomahawk cruise missiles, as well as developmental hypersonic missiles, according to the statement. The MDTF has been established as the US Army’s answer to the sophistication and reach of Russian and Chinese long-range precision strike

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Sam Cranny-Evans


Sam Cranny-Evans

Sam is a freelance defence analyst and consultant, as well as a RUSI Associate Fellow. …

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