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Lockheed Martin selected for US Army programme

31st July 2012 - 04:46 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Lockheed Martin has announced that it has been awarded a contract from the US Army for its commercial GyroLink system for the Remote - Vehicle Optics Sensor System (R-VOSS) programme. The company announced the contract, worth $21.4 million, 30 July 2012.

GyroLink meets an urgent operational need for ‘increased situational awareness within route-clearance patrols, helping warfighters see potential dangers sooner and engage time-critical targets faster’, the company said.

The system provides a real-time full motion video network that transmits video across military vehicles at significant distances. This allows members of a route-clearance patrol to use monitors inside their vehicles to wirelessly view imagery from other VOSS-equipped vehicles. GyroLink is commercial off-the-shelf technology.

The equipment will be installed on MRAP vehicles starting in July 2012.

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