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Kongsberg announces US Army CROWS contract

20th August 2012 - 12:42 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Kongsberg has announced that it has been awarded a new framework agreement from the US Army for production, system support and technical engineering support of the M153 CROWS Remote Weapon Stations (RWS).

The framework agreement, with a value of up to $970 million over a five year period, was announced on 18 August.

Kongsberg said it won the contract in a 'full and open competition' and the order carries a value of $9.1 million. The total scope of the agreement will depend on 'future demand and annual allocations'.

Kongsberg has delivered RWSs to the US Army CROWS programme since 2007. The M153 CROWS is the primary remote weapon station being used by US forces. Under the previous CROWS contract, Kongsberg has delivered over 10,000 M153 CROWS units to the US military to date.

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