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Key questions remain unresolved for Polish SHORAD

13th May 2021 - 15:11 GMT | by Grzegorz Sobczak in Warsaw


CAMM-ER is one of the potential contenders to provide the interceptor missile for the Polish Narew programme. (Photo: MBDA)

Poland picks a lead contractor for the Narew programme but there is still no decision on which missile will be used.

State-owned defence group PGZ was appointed as lead contractor for the Narew short-range air defence (SHORAD) programme in late April 2021, following an announcement by Polish Minister of Defence Mariusz Blaszczak.

Narew would fill a gap in Polish air defence after selection of the Patriot system under the Wisla programme (with the first delivery in 2022) and the domestic development of the Pilica PSR-A for very short-range air defence (VSHORAD).

The Polish Air Force requires SHORAD for airbases in the country, while the Polish Land Forces need a capability to protect its infrastructure and equipment — on site or on

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Grzegorz Sobczak


Grzegorz Sobczak

Grzegorz Sobczak is based in Warsaw, Poland.

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