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Jackal 3 in full-scale production as 53 more are ordered by British Army

19th September 2024 - 14:41 GMT | by Christopher F Foss in UTAC Millbrook, UK


The Jackal was Initially developed to meet an urgent operational requirement for Afghanistan. (Image: Supacat)

Babcock will build an additional 53 High Mobility Transporter (HMT) Jackal 3s for the British Army in partnership with Supacat.

Supacat has confirmed that full-scale production of the latest batch of Jackal 3 (4x4) HMTs for the British Army is well underway at Babcock’s facility at Devonport Dockyard and will be completed by the end of this year.

Nick Ames, CEO of Supacat, stated: “The first few Jackal 3s were built at our main facility at Dunkswell and used for verification trials with main production run at Babcock as they built earlier vehicles and opened a new purpose-built production line earlier this year.”

While the Jackal 3 is a 4x4 vehicle, it can be converted into a 6x6 vehicle with

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Christopher F Foss


Christopher F Foss

Christopher F Foss is an internationally recognised authority on armoured fighting vehicles, artillery and other weapon systems, …

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