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Indo Defence 2018: Indonesian missiles with Seoul

8th November 2018 - 11:03 GMT | by Helen Haxell in Jakarta


Seoul-based company LIG is ambitiously projecting its hopes of increasing its footprint in Indonesia, in the coming years, by raising its production of the short-range missile system, Chiron for the air force.

With a presidential election taking place in April next year in Indonesia, Joon-Gi Hong, manager, global business team at LIG Nex1, said the company was positioning itself to be included in the government’s five-year defence plan with a specific push on the procurement of more Chiron missiles.

The Indonesian government signed a contract in 2012 for six Chiron missile, with Rheinmetall as the prime contractor.

‘Next year there

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Helen Haxell


Helen Haxell

Helen Haxell was Air Editor at Shephard Media, having joined in February 2016 as Editor …

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