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Indo Defence 2016: More Badak on the cards

26th October 2016 - 06:00 GMT | by Gordon Arthur in Hong Kong


Following an initial order for 50 Badak (Rhino) 6x6 armoured fighting vehicles, it is rumoured the Indonesian Army wants more.

This could push orders into the several hundreds and worth a lot more than the $36 million that domestic manufacturer, PT Pindad, received for the first 50 units.

Badak has passed its qualification tests and the company is preparing the production line and deliveries of Badak could begin later this year, but a large order could see production increase to 25-30 units annually.

Pindad is pinning much credence on its Badak, which was unveiled at the Indo Defence

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Gordon Arthur


Gordon Arthur

Gordon Arthur was the Asia Pacific editor for Shephard Media. Born in Scotland and educated …

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