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India scurries to buy thousands of small arms

16th February 2018 - 03:49 GMT | by Neelam Mathews in Delhi


The Defence Acquisition Council’s (DAC) approval on 13 February for procurement of small arms worth more than $2.2 billion for the Indian military is being fast-tracked. With RfIs already released for assault rifles, sniper rifles and light machine guns, RfPs are expected between May and July this year, and deliveries will start between four and 24 months of contract signings.

This urgency for procurement makes it clear these weapons were ‘needed yesterday’, an army official told Shephard.

These requirements date back a decade, with previous bids being cancelled even whilst border issues with China and Pakistan escalated.

India’s cumulative

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Neelam Mathews


Neelam Mathews

Neelam Mathews was born in India and completed her education in London.

She has written for …

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