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GM Defense gears up for flag to drop on British Army infantry vehicle requirements

24th September 2024 - 17:25 GMT | by Damian Kemp in UTAC Millbrook, UK


GM Defense is set to offer its ISV for the UK’s LMP programme. (Photo: GM Defense)

The UK’s Light Mobility Programme (LMP) has been delayed and altered but a timeline has now been outlined and companies have begun jockeying for position.

GM Defense is manoeuvring its Infantry Squad Vehicle (ISV) and Light Duty Wheeled Vehicle (LDWV) to meet the Light Mobility Vehicle (LMV) segment of the British Army’s LMP as companies begin to position themselves for a requirement which now has declared timelines.

The UK Ministry of Defence announced formal engagement with industry is set to begin and was already underway in a casual way with conversations taking place at DVD 2024 at UTAC Millbrook last week, with all likely contenders on show and many, like GM Defense, putting their potential offerings on display.

The company’s ISV is based on the

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Damian Kemp


Damian Kemp

Damian Kemp has worked in the defence media for 25 years covering military aircraft, defence …

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