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GDELS, FSDS team for Danish APC-R programme

21st February 2013 - 16:36 GMT | by Shephard News Team


General Dynamics European Land Systems (GDELS) has teamed with Falck Schmidt Defence Systems (FSDS) for the Danish Armored Personnel Carriers Replacement (APC-R) programme. The companies announced on 20 February that they have signed a comprehensive teaming agreement that will see them jointly offer an armoured personnel carrier for the programme.

GDELS has been invited by the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistic Organization (DALO) to submit tenders for both wheeled and tracked options of the programme. GDELS has been the only contender chosen for both options.

GDELS has delivered through the GDELS-Mowag Site to the Danish Army more than 260 Piranha 3, Duro IIIP 6x6 and Eagle 4x4 vehicles; and has previously designed and delivered combat vehicles to key allies of Denmark including the USA, UK, Germany, Spain and Canada, providing a strong base for the technology transfer of production to FSDS.

Alfonso Ramonet, president of GDELS, said: ‘We look forward to working with FSDS to prove again that we are a trusted key supplier for the Danish Army vehicle fleet and a global leader of wheeled and tracked vehicles, and we to engaging in close cooperation with the overall Danish defence industry.’

Jan Falck-Schmidt, CEO of Falck Schmidt Defence Systems, added: ‘For FSDS this is a key strategic alliance with an international perspective which can raise the technology knowledge and production skills for the company even further than it is today. FSDS has a proven record in production, assembly, integration and test of complete armoured personal carriers to the Danish Army, and this partnership will improve this capability to an even higher standard.’

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